Reading Expectations
• Reads fluently by using phonics, syllables and word parts
• Uses reading strategies: questioning, predicting, inferring, connecting, summarizing, evaluating
• Identifies parts of a story: characters, settings, plots
Writing Expectations
• Writes clear sentences or paragraphs that develop a central idea
• Writes a personal narrative, descriptive paragraph, friendly letter, simple rhymes and poems
Handwriting Expectations
• Forms letters correctly and spaces words and sentences properly
Spelling Expectations
• Spells frequently used words correctly
Math Expectations
• Understands the relationships among numbers, quantities, and place value in whole numbers up to 100
• Understands that fractions may refer to parts of a set and parts of a whole
• Identifies odd and even numbers up to 100
• Represents, compares, and interprets data using tables, tally charts, and bar graphs
• Solves simple problems involving addition and subtraction of numbers up to 100
• Knows how to model, represent, and interpret number relationships to create and solve problems involving addition and subtraction
• Identifies and describes the attribute of common shapes in the plane and of common objects in space.
• Understands how to measure length, temperature, capacity, weight, and time in standard units
• Tells time to the nearest quarter hour and five-minute intervals
• Finds the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollars
• Solves problems and justifies their reasoning